YahooSpeak 1/2 – Yahoo considers this as abusive language. I’m intrigued.

YahooSpeak 2/2 – Abusive language according to Yahoo. Barnum & Bailey, beware! Update and conclusion.

I’m intrigued. :-)

I’ll make it short. I’ll try…

I read the following article on yahoo (I have an email account with yahoo, so I go there from time to time). The link to the article (interesting to read):

Legions facing layoffs turn to parties, Internet   ( update : link doesn’t work anymore ).

I feel I should write a comment, and I write down the following one:

“When people don’t work, they meet. It’s about time. Thank God, there’s no job. Jobs were a pathetic joke people played on themselves, and it wasn’t funny anymore. Or was it? Well, it means that the whole circus could start again after a while (in months or years or centuries from now), and there would be enough candidates to rebuild the Big Error, many candidates still under hypnosis, even after generations. Who was this circus guy who used to say that there’s one born every minute?…”

Then I click to send the message.

I receive immediately this message: 

“Oops! The comment you entered contained abusive language. Please re-enter and try again. POST YOUR COMMENT HELP”

It’s the second time it happens. I tried to contact Yahoo before, to ask what was “abusive” in the message. They never answered. I won’t ask them this time.

I have two questions:

1 – Did something similar happened to you before on yahoo? Or elsewhere?

2 – Am I missing something, and is there anything “abusive” contained in the message I sent?

It’s funny. I’m intrigued.

I followed up on this:

YahooSpeak 2/2 – Abusive language according to Yahoo. Barnum & Bailey, beware! Update and conclusion.

© Copyright 2009 Hamilton-Lucas Sinclair (Loup Kibiloki, Jacques Renaud, Le Scribe), cliquer

Shiva’s Gift to a Wolf  —  All café-terrasses are vistas on infinity. Let’s have coffee together

Le Vaisseau d’Or. A new English translation of Nelligan’s masterpiece  (et l’original en français).   —   Winter Evening by Émile Nelligan. A new English translation of Soir d’Hiver. (Comme la neige a neigé!). English translation et poème original Soir d’Hiver en français.

The Damned Canuck. New English translation of Gaston Miron’s poem. With original French version.

Srî Aurobindo, la prison d’Alipore, et son poème « Invitation » : nouvelle traduction française. With original in English.

From Beginning to End or The Ignorance Upanishad

Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Jung : Do we know how to read?  Do we understand what we write?  What we say?

Was there an earthly paradise?  What was it?  Where was it? (Satprem and Mira Alfassa – the Mother)  – Sri Aurobindo : The Intermediate Zone

Invisible Person with Enormous Power: it starts with a “C”, as in “Corporation”, but it doesn’t end there…

Western leaders, western populations : awareness, massmedia control and censorship

Astounding 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature Joan de Blow never wrote a book!  She talks about Obama. (Satire.)

Safe-Haven US Currency – surfing on strangeness and naught – a satori sort of poem

Do you remember Chernobyl? Nuclear disaster contamination: apparently worse than previously thought  –  Waging  Nuclear War against Humanity and Human Genes: Nuclear Radiation and Uranium 238 (DU)

Beaucoup de poèmes de Jacques Renaud ( Loup Kibiloki )

Oeuvres de fiction de Jacques Renaud  ( Loup Kibiloki ) qu’on trouve sur ce blog : 

 Le Cassé, la novella, avec les nouvelles; la vraie version originale et intégrale, la seule autorisée par l’auteur.   —   Le Crayon-feutre de ma tante a mis le feu, nouvelle.

L’Agonie d’un Chasseur, ou Les Métamorphoses du Ouatever, novella.    –   La Naissance d’un Sorcier, nouvelle.

C’est Der Fisch qui a détruit Die Mauer, nouvelle.   —   Émile Newspapp, Roi des Masses, novella.

Et Paix sur la Terre (And on Earth, Peace), nouvelle.   —   L’histoire du vieux pilote de brousse et de l’aspirant audacieux, nouvelle

Le beau p’tit Paul, le nerd entêté, et les trois adultes qui disent pas la même chose, nouvelle  —  La chambre à louer, le nerd entêté, et les quinze règlements aplatis  —   La mésange, le nerd entêté, et l’érudit persiffleur

Jack le Canuck, chanson naïve pour Jack Kerouac,  poème  —    L’histoire de l’homme qui aimait la bière Molson et qui fut victime de trahison

Loup Kibiloki ( Jacques Renaud ) :  La Petite Magicienne, nouvelle;  La Licorne et le Scribe, nouvelle.

Sur Le Cassé de Jacques Renaud, des extraits de critiques

Jadis, la liberté d’expression régnait dans ma ruelle, ou La ruelle invisible

Le Cassé de Jacques Renaud : le vrai, le faussé, le faux  (A-t-on voulu détruire la carrière de l’auteur ?)

Sorel : En 2012, on y censure Dieu et Edith Piaf. En 1971, on y censurait Le Cassé de Jacques Renaud…

And on Earth Peace, Le Cassé, le joual, Jacques Renaud  (Sur Jacques Renaud, l’époque du Cassé, le “joual”.)


About Jacques Renaud

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7 Responses to YahooSpeak 1/2 – Yahoo considers this as abusive language. I’m intrigued.

  1. Pingback: Yahoo vous nuit ! Encore une fois, la même stupide incompétence, c’est vraiment les gros pieds.. | Électrodes

  2. Pingback: Montréal est une poudrière ( article censuré par le moteur de recherche yahoo ) .. | Électrodes

  3. 14:05 2009-02-08

    Update by myself on this funny yahoo oopsing thing, right here in my own comment box.

    I changed the last sentence:

    “Who was this circus guy who used to say that there’s one born every minute?…”

    this way:

    “Who was this circus guy who used to say something about… every minute?…”

    Clicked to post the comment.



    Then I changed “God” to “Goodness” in the sentence: “Thank God, there’s no job.”



    Then I deleted “pathetic” from the following sentence:

    “Jobs were a pathetic joke people played on themselves, and it wasn’t funny anymore.”



    Then I changed “hypnosis” for “the spell” in the following segment: “…many candidates still under the spell, even after generations.”



    Then I found back a way to send them some feedback. No answer yet. As usual.

    Then I oopsed myself and decided to go back to something else, like poetry and physical exercise, for a while.

    Thanks for dropping by and call again.

    If you have any idea… suggestion… humoristic or serious comment.


    It’s been a pleasure. Still is.


  4. I have a guess – there’s an implicit “sucker” in your sentence “there’s one born every minute.” I wonder of the search engine read the words around it and assumes it’s there.


  5. I enjoy your comment. Incidendally, I used to say I’ve been oopsed. To oops, To be oopsed… I’ll look closely… Thank’s :-)


  6. Ram Venkatararam says:

    I love the OOPS bit and think everyone should use it. I’d like the police to say “OOPs, you’re making methampetamine. Let’s go to the station and beat the snot out of you.

    Sorry, I don’t see anything offensive. I’m sure it’s there somewhere if you look really closely.

    Liked by 1 person

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